

Thanks for stopping by my professional blog.

When I reflect back on my career so far, at a fundamental level my work doing psychotherapy, teaching, training, program evaluation, grant writing, and conflict resolution boils down to a single underlying theme: I help individuals, groups, organizations, and communities see, think, act, and relate better in order to reach their goals and create better futures.

I was trained as a community/clinical psychologist, but for most of the last 10 years, I've been professionally applying my skills in the areas of program evaluation, grant development, and teaching. Based on what I learned through those experiences, I more recently expanded my focus to include systems thinking, organizational learning, leadership development, and conflict resolution/peace building.

My blog is designed to work in conjunction with my LinkedIn account and (eventually) a web page. Here you'll find my musings on various topics related to my work and other professional interests.

My approach to life and work is definitely eclectic. I have found great value, personally and professionally, in learning about human and organizational behavior, other cultures, western and eastern philosophy, creativity, and a wide variety of other topics. I have found that such topics serve as different lenses that often 'fresh' insights and 'new' ways of thinking.

My blog is definitely a 'learn as you go' process, so I'm sure things will occasionally change as I get the hang of this.

I hope you enjoy your time here!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Workshop (March 14th) - Harnessing the Positive Power of Emotions to Transform Conflict

If you live or work in the Newark, Delaware area, I'll be offering a free workshop (sponsored by the Delaware Conflict Resolution Network) on how to effectively enlist the emotions we experience during conflict as our allies, transforming conflict in the process. 

This is a hands-on, experiential workshop, geared toward a broad audience, with ample  opportunity to practice and develop effective skills (and have some fun along the way!).  

The workshop will be held on March 14th from 12-2 pm at the Bear Library in Bear, DE.

Please see the flyer for registration information

It should be a great experience and I'm looking forward to it!